- 1971 A.S.S.P. s.r.l. established, specialized in screen printing and hot printing factory.
- 1989 PRINT s.r.l. established, specialized for both screen and digital printing on any kind of material in particular for the production of dome label with DOX SYSTEM® trade mark.
- 1994 Purchase of the first digital printing machinery, Gerber Edge.
- 1996 Realisation and trade mark of the first dome tank pad.
- 1997 Consolidation of the market in making plates polycarbonate either dome or normal.
- 2000 Purchase of the first direct adhesive digital printing machine, HP INDIGO.
- 2009 Consolidation of the dome process and purchasing of a new Kromex technology, to realize 3D emblems.
- 2010/2013 Despite the negative effects of the crisis, Print continues his investments expanding the digital printing department and introducing a new technology of thick printing, LUX LABELS.
- 2014 Implementation of a new ECOPRINT technology made for soft touch 3D emblems.
- 2014 Creation of the new ONEDESIGN brand made for development and marketing of all PRINT products.
- 2015 USA Headquarters opening to closely follow American market.
- 2017 ONEDESIGN introduces and realizes the new HDR technology.
To produce daily for customers of each kind throughout the world to offer them high technology emblems. Our complete service supports the customer from the idea to the customer care follow up.